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2.17.21 This Sunday, Birthday Livestream

Dear Friends,

You can go back to my blog post recapping last year's birthday concert and hopefully it won't be too saddening to think about how many people safely gathered in one space. I was so grateful for everyone who came to that concert (especially some people traveling from states away) and could have had no idea about how much that gratitude would grow in the absence of live concerts for this whole past year.

I've been equally grateful for all of you who have spent time with me during my winter holiday livestreams and, while I would not call my own birthday a "winter holiday," I invite you all to join me for a slice of my favorite piano music on this Sunday, February 21 at 7PM EST. I've got an evening work obligation on the actual balloon day, so let's relax together and ring in completing the first year of my third decade.

You can come back to this blog post to watch the livestream here, or you can use this link to view it on YouTube.

Everyone keep staying safe.



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