Dear Friends,
Chris Lowry is an incredible artist and has been a stalwart champion of my music for more than a decade now. I knew for some time that he was performing my piece Recurring Dream, Second Fantasy for viola and piano this evening at Northwestern State University in Nachitoches, Louisiana. I did not know, however, that there would be a livestream option that would allow myself and others to also join and view this performance! I am so excited to say that, that is possible. So! If you were hankering to hear some viola music performed brilliant by Christopher Lowry (who will also be premiering a new piece of his own this evening), use the button below to tune in to the Northwestern State University livestream page and join the concert. I hope you will take a moment and lend an ear!
The Livestream will take place at 8:30PM EST / 7:30PM CST
See you there!